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【来源: | 发布日期:2017-12-21 】




2012.09-2013.02 Wageningen University & Delft University of Technology 交换访学

2009.09-2015.07 清华大学 环境学院 博士

2005.09-2009.07 南京大学 地球科学与工程学院 水科学系 学士


2023.09-2024.06 浙江大学 环境与资源学院 访问学者

2019.01-至今 中央民族大学 生命与环境科学学院 副教授

2017.09-2018.12 中央民族大学 生命与环境科学学院 讲师

2015.09-2017.09 清华大学 环境学院 博士后


北京市海淀区中关村南大街27号 中央民族大学生命与环境科学学院环境科学系








  1. 企业委托技术开发项目“MMflo城市污水强化生物耦合脱氮工艺开发项目”,80万元,主持,在研

  2. 企业委托技术开发项目“餐厨垃圾分质资源化新工艺开发-磁法高效厌氧”,45万元,主持,在研

  3. 事业单位委托技术开发项目“东盟国家社区清洁水与塑料污染治理技术清单与案例研究”,16.7万元,主持,在研

  4. 企业委托技术开发项目“污水处理新型人工智能专家系统开发”,10万元,主持,在研

  5. 企业委托技术开发项目“低温磁强化水处理技术研发项目技术服务合同”,5万元,主持,在研

  6. 企业委托技术开发项目“分布式污水处理装备开发”,10万元,主持,已结题

  7. 企业委托技术开发项目“污水外加碳源中不同物质测定方法改进及优化”,5万元,主持,已结题

  8. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目“城市污水一体化厌氧氨氧化(CAR)主流脱氮工艺研究(51608298)”,20万元,主持,已结题

  9. 环境模拟与污染控制国家重点联合实验室开放课题“基于复合纳米磁性载体的低温污水磁热耦合强化脱氮技术及机理研究(19K06ESPCT)”,8万元,主持,已结题

  10. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目“生物吸附强化超磁分离污水碳源浓缩资源化处理技术研究(2017M610925)”,5万元,主持,已结题

  11. 清华大学环境学院重点学术机构开放基金“污水处理LOT关键技术路线探究”,3万元,主持,已结题

  12. 鄱阳湖环境与资源利用教育部重点实验室开放课题,“基于磁生物絮凝的鄱阳湖流域污水碳源浓缩及资源化技术研究”,3万元,主持,已结题



1. X. Liu, D. Pan, Q. Yuan*, X. Feng, M. Li, X. Song, Z. Jin*, et al., Anaerobic granular sludge performance in an expanded granular sludge bed reactor treating calcium-rich wastewater by adjusting CaCO3 crystallization: Effect of upflow velocity and Ca2+ concentration. Science of the Total Environment. 2024, 912: 169064, 1-11.

2. T. Wang, Z. Jin*, Y. Yang*, J. Ma, M. Aghbashlo, H. Zhang, et al. In-depth insights into the temporal-based fouling mechanism and its exploration in anaerobic membrane bioreactors: A review. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2022, 375: 134110, 1-17.

3. Y. Xing, S. Chen, B. Wu, X. Song and Z. Jin*. Multi-objective optimized pre-collection of sewage resources by sustainable enhanced coagulation process. Journal of Water Process Engineering. 2022, 47: 102701,1-11.

4. S. Chen, Y. Xing, H. Ou, H. Liang, X. Song, T. Wang, X. Liu, Z. Jin*. Magnetic bio-flocculation for cost-effective fast organic matter pre-concentration for sewage with enhanced capture and settling of sludge. Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology. 2022,8:184-195.

5. Z. Jin, F. Meng, X. Hu, H. Gong, J. Wu, J. Zuo, K. Wang. Scaling-up for commercial ultrafiltration-based sewage resource recovery towards cleaner production in the wastewater treatment plant. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2020,269: 122275, 1-12.

6. Z. Jin, F. Meng, H. Gong, C. Wang, J. Wu, J. Zuo, K. Wang. Improved low-carbon-consuming fouling control in long-term membrane-based sewage pre-concentration: the role of enhanced coagulation process and air backflushing in sustainable sewage treatment. Journal of Membrane Science. 2017, 529: 252-262.

7. Z. Jin, F. Chang, F. Meng, C. Wang, Y. Meng, X. Liu, J. Wu, J. Zuo, K. Wang. Sustainable pyrolytic sludge-char preparation and direct in-situ application: characterization and impact on improvement of closed-loop sewage sludge treatment. Chemosphere. 2017, 184: 1043-1053.

8. Z. Jin, H. Gong, H. Temmink, H. Nie, J. Wu, J. Zuo, K. Wang. Efficient sewage pre-concentration with combined coagulation microfiltration for organic matter recovery. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2016, 292(0): 130-138.

9. Z. Jin, H. Gong, K. Wang. Application of hybrid coagulation microfiltration with air backflushing to direct sewage concentration for organic matter recovery. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2015, 283(0): 824-831.

10. 何秋杭, 陈奕彤, 乔金岩, 张桐, 肖琪钦, 金正宇*. 基于月排放数据的北京3座区级污水处理厂年碳排放特征. 环境工程学报, 2023,17(09): 2827-2840.

11. 张小祥, 李佳盈, 何秋杭, 宋雪宁, 苏倡, 金正宇*, 王凯军. 改良系统成熟度法定量评估污水LOT技术应用潜力——以水专项及相关技术组合为例. 环境工程学报, 2023,17(04): 1145-1157.

12. 宋雪宁, 邢玉坤, 何秋杭, 陈舒婷, 王潼语, 金正宇*. 磁致自辅热沸石控温载体构建及其氨氮吸附再生调控机制. 环境工程学报, 2022,16(07): 2178-2187.

13. 刘晓吉, 潘东宁, 金正宇*, 徐恒, 毛丽. 流化床阻垢系统对CaCO3非稳定晶型影响机制研究. 工业水处理, 2022-0909.

14. 金正宇,郗皓,苑泉,王凯军. 进水模式对强化脱氮好氧颗粒污泥培养的影响. 中国环境科学. 2018, (03): 935~942.

15. 金正宇,郑明霞,宫徽,王凯军. 新型污水处理沉淀过滤技术研究进展. 环境工程, 2014(07):10-15.

16. 金正宇,张国臣,王凯军. 热解技术资源化处理城市污泥的研究进展. 化工进展, 2012(01):1-9.


1. 金正宇,毛利. 一种生物气溶胶监测设备. 2022.2.24,中国,CN202210172484.2(中国发明专利公开号,已公开)

2. 金正宇,毛利. 一种生物气溶胶消杀设备. 2022.1.7,中国,CN202210015598.6(中国发明专利公开号,已公开)

3. 金正宇,梁洪月,陈舒婷,刘文菊,欧慧敏. 一种城镇生活污水碳源浓缩及资源化方法. 2019.11.12,中国,CN201911100174.4(中国发明专利公开号,已授权)

4. 金正宇,邢玉坤,陈舒婷,吴咏敬,凌兰心. 一种基于磁感热效应的低温低氨氮污水同步亚硝化-Anammox装置. 2021.1.11,中国,CN202120054385.5 (中国发明专利公开号,实用新型,已授权)

5. 金正宇,邢玉坤,陈舒婷,吴咏敬,宋雪宁. 一种基于磁热效应耦合载体的低温低氨氮污水脱氮装置. 2021.1.13,中国,CN202110039470.9 (中国发明专利公开号,已授权)

6. 金正宇,邢玉坤,陈舒婷,吴咏敬,凌兰心. 一种基于磁感热效应的城市污水脱氮装置. 2021.1.11,中国,CN202110027769.2(中国发明专利公开号,已公开)

7. 金正宇,邢玉坤,吴咏敬,凌兰心,宋雪宁. 一种用于污水处理的磁热填料及其磁感应热发生装置. 2021.1.12,中国,CN202110034693.6(中国发明专利公开号,已公开)

8. 金正宇,邢玉坤,陈舒婷,吴咏敬,凌兰心. 一种基于磁感热效应的低温低氨氮污水同步亚硝化-Anammox装置及其应用. 2021.1.11,中国,CN202110028625.9 (中国发明专利公开号,已授权)

9. 金正宇,邢玉坤,宋雪宁,吴咏敬,张世月. 一种基于磁感热效应的低浓度氨氮污水亚硝化装置,2021.1.13,中国,CN202110039428.7(中国发明专利公开号,已授权)

10. 金正宇,范宇昊,邢玉坤,娄新宇,李奥. 一种基于FT-IR的生活污水膜污染情况的PCA-CA原位解析方法. 2021.1.12,中国,CN202110034126.0(中国发明专利公开号,已公开)

11. 王凯军,金正宇,宫徽,曹明利. 用于城市污水资源化预处理的一体化混凝直滤滤布反应器. 中国,CN20121239857.x(中国发明专利公开号,已授权)

12. 王凯军,金正宇,宫徽,汪翠萍. 污水同步混凝-吸附-膜浓缩资源化预处理装置及其方法. 中国,CN201410322883.8(中国发明专利公开号,已授权)

13. 王凯军,金正宇,何秋杭. 一种节地型强化磁分离城镇污水碳源浓缩及资源化方法. 中国,CN201710864251.8(中国发明专利公开号,已公开)


1. 汪翠萍等(排名第10). 污(废)水处理用碳源. 中国技术经济学会, 团体标准, T/CSTE 0001—2021.


1. 金正宇,侯锋,王凯军,高嵩,庞洪涛. 地下再生水厂览胜. 清华大学出版社,2022.01.

2. 郑明霞等(排名第8). 集约化畜禽养殖污染综合防治最佳可行技术. 化学工业出版社,2013.01.


1. 2022年常熟市“昆承英才”科技创新创业领军人才计划.

2. 2022(第八届)全国环保创新创业大赛二等奖

3. 2023第二届清华大学博士后创新创业大赛优胜奖

4. 2023第三届邗江区“明月湖”杯科创大赛三等奖


1. Frontiers in Water编辑

2. 《环境工程学报》特邀学术编辑

3. Water cycle期刊Magnetic Water Treatment: Advanced Technologies and Practices专刊客座编辑

4. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health期刊Wastewater Pollution and Control专刊客座编辑

Jin Zhengyu

  • Ethnicity: Han

  • Position: Associate Professor, Master's Supervisor

  • Origin: Suzhou, Jiangsu

Education Background

  • 2012.09-2013.02: Exchange Study at Wageningen University & Delft University of Technology

  • 2009.09-2015.07: Ph.D., School of Environment, Tsinghua University

  • 2005.09-2009.07: Bachelor's, Department of Water Science, School of Earth Sciences and Engineering, Nanjing University

Work Experience

  • 2023.09-2024.06: Visiting Scholar, College of Environment & Resource Sciences, Zhejiang University

  • 2019.01-Present: Associate Professor, College of Life and Environmental Sciences, Minzu University of China

  • 2017.09-2018.12: Lecturer, College of Life and Environmental Sciences, Minzu University of China

  • 2015.09-2017.09: Postdoctoral Researcher, School of Environment, Tsinghua University

Contact Information

  • Address: Department of Environmental Science, School of Life and Environmental Sciences, Minzu University of China, 27 Zhongguancun South Street, Haidian District, Beijing

  • Postal Code: 100081

  • Email: jzy@muc.edu.cn

Courses Taught

  • Case Analysis of Water Pollution Control Engineering

  • Environmental System Analysis

  • Environmental Management

  • Hydrogeochemistry

  • Engineering Budgeting and Economic Analysis

Research Areas

  • Coupled physicochemical and biological water pollution control and resource recovery technologies, management, and theoretical research

  • Physically enhanced multi-media pollutant control technologies

Representative Research Projects

  • Development of enhanced biological coupling nitrogen removal technology for urban sewage (MMflo), funded by a company (800,000 RMB), in progress, Principal Investigator

  • Development of a new process for the resource recovery of kitchen waste using magnetic high-efficiency anaerobic technology, funded by a company (450,000 RMB), in progress, Principal Investigator

  • Research on the list of clean water and plastic pollution control technologies and cases for ASEAN communities, funded by a public institution (167,000 RMB), in progress, Principal Investigator

  • Development of a new AI expert system for sewage treatment, funded by a company (100,000 RMB), in progress, Principal Investigator

  • Development of low-temperature magnetic enhanced water treatment technology, funded by a company (50,000 RMB), in progress, Principal Investigator

  • Development of distributed sewage treatment equipment, funded by a company (100,000 RMB), completed, Principal Investigator

  • Improvement and optimization of methods for determining various substances in external carbon sources of sewage, funded by a company (50,000 RMB), completed, Principal Investigator

  • National Natural Science Foundation of China, Youth Fund Project, Mainstream nitrogen removal process for integrated anaerobic ammonia oxidation (CAR) of urban sewage (51608298), funded (200,000 RMB), completed, Principal Investigator

  • Open project of the State Key Joint Laboratory of Environmental Simulation and Pollution Control on low-temperature sewage magnetic-thermal coupling enhanced nitrogen removal technology and mechanism based on composite nano-magnetic carriers (19K06ESPCT), funded (80,000 RMB), completed, Principal Investigator

  • China Postdoctoral Science Foundation Project on biologically enhanced ultramagnetic separation sewage carbon source concentration and resource recovery technology (2017M610925), funded (50,000 RMB), completed, Principal Investigator

  • Open Fund of the Key Academic Institution of the School of Environment, Tsinghua University on key technical routes for LOT sewage treatment, funded (30,000 RMB), completed, Principal Investigator

  • Open Project of the Key Laboratory of Environmental and Resource Utilization of Poyang Lake, Ministry of Education, on magnetic bio-flocculation-based sewage carbon source concentration and resource recovery technology in the Poyang Lake Basin, funded (30,000 RMB), completed, Principal Investigator

Representative Publications

1. X. Liu, D. Pan, Q. Yuan*, X. Feng, M. Li, X. Song, Z. Jin*, et al., Anaerobic granular sludge performance in an expanded granular sludge bed reactor treating calcium-rich wastewater by adjusting CaCO3 crystallization: Effect of upflow velocity and Ca2+ concentration. Science of the Total Environment. 2024, 912: 169064, 1-11.

2. T. Wang, Z. Jin*, Y. Yang*, J. Ma, M. Aghbashlo, H. Zhang, et al. In-depth insights into the temporal-based fouling mechanism and its exploration in anaerobic membrane bioreactors: A review. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2022, 375: 134110, 1-17.

3. Y. Xing, S. Chen, B. Wu, X. Song and Z. Jin*. Multi-objective optimized pre-collection of sewage resources by sustainable enhanced coagulation process. Journal of Water Process Engineering. 2022, 47: 102701,1-11.

4. S. Chen, Y. Xing, H. Ou, H. Liang, X. Song, T. Wang, X. Liu, Z. Jin*. Magnetic bio-flocculation for cost-effective fast organic matter pre-concentration for sewage with enhanced capture and settling of sludge. Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology. 2022,8:184-195.

5. Z. Jin, F. Meng, X. Hu, H. Gong, J. Wu, J. Zuo, K. Wang. Scaling-up for commercial ultrafiltration-based sewage resource recovery towards cleaner production in the wastewater treatment plant. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2020,269: 122275, 1-12.

6. Z. Jin, F. Meng, H. Gong, C. Wang, J. Wu, J. Zuo, K. Wang. Improved low-carbon-consuming fouling control in long-term membrane-based sewage pre-concentration: the role of enhanced coagulation process and air backflushing in sustainable sewage treatment. Journal of Membrane Science. 2017, 529: 252-262.

7. Z. Jin, F. Chang, F. Meng, C. Wang, Y. Meng, X. Liu, J. Wu, J. Zuo, K. Wang. Sustainable pyrolytic sludge-char preparation and direct in-situ application: characterization and impact on improvement of closed-loop sewage sludge treatment. Chemosphere. 2017, 184: 1043-1053.

8. Z. Jin, H. Gong, H. Temmink, H. Nie, J. Wu, J. Zuo, K. Wang. Efficient sewage pre-concentration with combined coagulation microfiltration for organic matter recovery. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2016, 292(0): 130-138.

9. Z. Jin, H. Gong, K. Wang. Application of hybrid coagulation microfiltration with air backflushing to direct sewage concentration for organic matter recovery. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2015, 283(0): 824-831.

10. He Qiuhang, Chen Yitong, Qiao Jinyan, Zhang Tong, Xiao Qiqin, Jin Zhengyu*. Characteristics of Annual Carbon Emissions from Three District-level Sewage Treatment Plants in Beijing Based on Monthly Emission Data. Journal of Environmental Engineering, 2023, 17(09): 2827-2840.

11. Zhang Xiaoxiang, Li Jiaying, He Qiuhang, Song Xuening, Su Chang, Jin Zhengyu*, Wang Kaijun. Quantitative Evaluation of the Application Potential of LOT Sewage Technology Using the Improved System Maturity Method—Taking Water Projects and Related Technology Combinations as Examples. Journal of Environmental Engineering, 2023, 17(04): 1145-1157.

12. Song Xuening, Xing Yukun, He Qiuhang, Chen Shuting, Wang Tongyu, Jin Zhengyu*. Construction of Magnetic Self-heating Zeolite Temperature Control Carrier and Its Ammonia Nitrogen Adsorption Regeneration Control Mechanism. Journal of Environmental Engineering, 2022, 16(07): 2178-2187.

13. Liu Xiaoji, Pan Dongning, Jin Zhengyu*, Xu Heng, Mao Li. Study on the Mechanism of Fluidized Bed Scale Inhibition System on Unstable Crystalline Forms of CaCO3. Industrial Water Treatment, 2022-0909.

14. Jin Zhengyu, Xi Hao, Yuan Quan, Wang Kaijun. The Impact of Inflow Patterns on the Cultivation of Aerobic Granular Sludge for Enhanced Nitrogen Removal. China Environmental Science, 2018, (03): 935-942.

15. Jin Zhengyu, Zheng Mingxia, Gong Hui, Wang Kaijun. Research Progress on New Sedimentation and Filtration Technologies for Sewage Treatment. Environmental Engineering, 2014(07): 10-15.

16. Jin Zhengyu, Zhang Guocheng, Wang Kaijun. Research Progress on the Resource Recovery of Urban Sludge Using Pyrolysis Technology. Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress, 2012(01): 1-9.


1. Jin Zhengyu, Mao Li. A Bioaerosol Monitoring Device. 2022.2.24, China, CN202210172484.2 (Chinese Invention Patent Publication Number, Published)

2. Jin Zhengyu, Mao Li. A Bioaerosol Disinfection Device. 2022.1.7, China, CN202210015598.6 (Chinese Invention Patent Publication Number, Published)

3. Jin Zhengyu, Liang Hongyue, Chen Shuting, Liu Wenju, Ou Huimin. A Method for Concentrating and Recycling Carbon Sources from Urban Domestic Sewage. 2019.11.12, China, CN201911100174.4 (Chinese Invention Patent Publication Number, Authorized)

4. Jin Zhengyu, Xing Yukun, Chen Shuting, Wu Yongjing, Ling Lanxin. A Low-Temperature Low-Ammonia Nitrogen Sewage Synchronous Nitritation-Anammox Device Based on Magnetic Induction Heating Effect. 2021.1.11, China, CN202120054385.5 (Chinese Invention Patent Publication Number, Utility Model, Authorized)

5. Jin Zhengyu, Xing Yukun, Chen Shuting, Wu Yongjing, Song Xuening. A Low-Temperature Low-Ammonia Nitrogen Sewage Denitrification Device Based on Magnetic Thermal Effect Coupled Carrier. 2021.1.13, China, CN202110039470.9 (Chinese Invention Patent Publication Number, Authorized)

6. Jin Zhengyu, Xing Yukun, Chen Shuting, Wu Yongjing, Ling Lanxin. An Urban Sewage Denitrification Device Based on Magnetic Induction Heating Effect. 2021.1.11, China, CN202110027769.2 (Chinese Invention Patent Publication Number, Published)

7. Jin Zhengyu, Xing Yukun, Wu Yongjing, Ling Lanxin, Song Xuening. Magnetic Thermal Filler for Sewage Treatment and Its Magnetic Induction Heating Device. 2021.1.12, China, CN202110034693.6 (Chinese Invention Patent Publication Number, Published)

8. Jin Zhengyu, Xing Yukun, Chen Shuting, Wu Yongjing, Ling Lanxin. A Low-Temperature Low-Ammonia Nitrogen Sewage Synchronous Nitritation-Anammox Device Based on Magnetic Induction Heating Effect and Its Application. 2021.1.11, China, CN202110028625.9 (Chinese Invention Patent Publication Number, Authorized)

9. Jin Zhengyu, Xing Yukun, Song Xuening, Wu Yongjing, Zhang Shiyue. A Nitritation Device for Low-Concentration Ammonia Nitrogen Sewage Based on Magnetic Induction Heating Effect. 2021.1.13, China, CN202110039428.7 (Chinese Invention Patent Publication Number, Authorized)

10. Jin Zhengyu, Fan Yuhao, Xing Yukun, Lou Xinyu, Li Ao. An In-situ Analysis Method for Membrane Fouling in Domestic Sewage Based on FT-IR Using PCA-CA. 2021.1.12, China, CN202110034126.0 (Chinese Invention Patent Publication Number, Published)

11. Wang Kaijun, Jin Zhengyu, Gong Hui, Cao Mingli. An Integrated Coagulation and Direct Filtration Cloth Reactor for Urban Sewage Resource Pretreatment. China, CN20121239857.x (Chinese Invention Patent Publication Number, Authorized)

12. Wang Kaijun, Jin Zhengyu, Gong Hui, Wang Cuiping. A Device and Method for Synchronous Coagulation-Adsorption-Membrane Concentration and Resource Pretreatment of Sewage. China, CN201410322883.8 (Chinese Invention Patent Publication Number, Authorized)

13. Wang Kaijun, Jin Zhengyu, He Qiuhang. A Land-saving Enhanced Magnetic Separation Method for Concentrating and Recycling Carbon Sources from Urban Sewage. China, CN201710864251.8 (Chinese Invention Patent Publication Number, Published)


1. Wang Cuiping et al. (Ranked 10th). Carbon Sources for Wastewater Treatment. China Society of Technical and Economic Science, Group Standard, T/CSTE 0001-2021.


1. Jin Zhengyu, Hou Feng, Wang Kaijun, Gao Song, Pang Hongtao. A Tour of Underground Reclaimed Water Plants. Tsinghua University Press, 2022.01.

2. Zheng Mingxia et al. (Ranked 8th). Best Available Technologies for Comprehensive Pollution Prevention and Control in Intensive Livestock and Poultry Farming. Chemical Industry Press, 2013.01.

Awards and Honors

1. 2022 "Kun Cheng Talent" for Scientific and Technological Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Changshu

2. Second prize in the 8th National Environmental Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition in 2022

3. Winner of the 2nd Tsinghua University Postdoctoral Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition in 2023

4. Third prize in the 3rd "Mingyue Lake" Science and Technology Innovation Competition in Hanjiang District in 2023

Academic Positions

1. Editor of Frontiers in Water

2. Guest Academic Editor of Journal of Environmental Engineering

3. Guest Editor of the special issue on Magnetic Water Treatment: Advanced Technologies and Practices in the journal Water Cycle

4. Guest Editor of the special issue on Wastewater Pollution and Control in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health