Shanjun Wei

Publish By :CLES Hits: Published:2015/05/11

Shanjun Wei

Lecturer,Supervisor for Master candidates, Ph. D (Huazhong University of Science and technology), Visiting Scholar (Michigan State University)

Postal address:College of Life and Environmental Sciences,Minzu University of China,27 Zhongguancun South Avenue, Haidian district, Beijing 100081,P. R. China

E-mail: wei.s.j@163.com


Plant Physiology, Plant Physiology Experiment, Microbiology, Microbiology Experiment, Modern Biological Engineering and Technology

Research Interests

The research interest focuses on the physiological and molecular mechanism of cold tolerance in plants. One aspect is about the relationship betweencold tolerance ability and the transcription factor CBF. The Other aspect is concerned with the effect of low temperature stress on the biosynthesis of functional compounds in medicinal plants growing in cold habitats.

Representative papers

1. Shanun Wei, Yunfang Wu, Xiaojing Xu, Fei Gao and Yijun Zhou. Cloning and function analysis ofThDREB2Bgene encoding a putative DRE-binding transcription factore fromThellungiella halophila.ACTA Botanica Boreali-occidentalia Sinica,2013, 33(2):215-222

2. Xuxiaojing, Yijun Zhou,Shanjun Wei et al. Molecular cloning and expression of a Cu/Zn-Containing superoxide dismutase fromThellungiella halophila .Molecules and Cells, Molecules and Cells, 2009, 27: 423-428. (SCI)

3. Shanjun wei, Yijun Zhou, Deying Li, Zhenyuan Sun. cold sensitivity and biochemical adjustments in Zoysiagrass under low temperature stress. Acta Horticulturae, 2008 , 783:195-206

4. Wei Shanjun, Zhou Yijun, Xu Xiaojing, Feng Jinchao. Cloning ofDREB1E Gene fromThellungiella halophila. Journal of Huazhong Agricultural University, 2008, 2008,27:178-181

5. Shanjun weiZhenyuan Sun, Lei Han et al. Transgenic tobacco plants overexpressing Arabidopsis transcriptional factor CBF1 show morphological and biochemical characteristics associated with cold tolerance. Asian Journal of Plant Science, 2006, 5:932-939.

6. Yijun Zhou, Fei Gao,Shanjun Wei.Resource Biology. Minzu University of China Press,2009

No.27 S.Zhongguancun St, Minzu University of China, Haidian District, Beijing, China, 100081
2013©College of Life and Environmental Sciences(CLES),Minzu University of China(MUC)

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