Shuping ZHANG

Publish By :CLES Hits: Published:2024/12/12

Shuping ZHANG

Professor, Ph. D (Beijing Normal University), Visiting Scholar (University of California, Davis)

Postal address:College of Life and Environmental Sciences,Minzu University of China,27 Zhongguancun South Avenue, Haidian district, Beijing 100081,P. R. China

E-mail: zhangshuping@muc.edu.com

Education Background

2013.1-2014.1: University of California, Davis, visiting scholar

2002-2007: Beijing Normal University, Zoology, Ph.D


Zoology, Animal ecology

Research Interest

Focus on the physiological and behavioral adaptation mechanisms of birds in response to environmental changes. Conducted research on the impacts of climate change and urbanization on birds and their physiological coping mechanisms. Achieved significant results in studies on the microevolutionary potential of the reproductive endocrinology and behavioral rhythms of passerine birds in response to global climate change in the grasslands of northeastern Inner Mongolia, phenotypic plasticity of Mongolian short-toed larks in response to nutritional mismatches caused by climate change, ecological effects of developmental plasticity in response to temperature changes during embryonic development of Mongolian short-toed larks, and the physiological effects of urban night lighting on birds.

Hosted Research Projects

[1] National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC): Microevolutionary Potential of Reproductive Endocrinology and Behavioral Rhythms of Passerine Birds in Response to Global Climate Change in the Grasslands of Northeastern Inner Mongolia, Execution Period: 2014.1-2017.12,

[2] National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC): Phenotypic Plasticity of Mongolian Short-toed Lark Nestlings in Response to Nutritional Mismatches Caused by Climate Change in Inner Mongolia Grasslands, Execution Period: 2018.1-2020.12, Funding: 250,000 RMB

[3] National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC): Developmental Plasticity and Ecological Adaptation of Mongolian Short-toed Larks in Response to Temperature Changes, Execution Period: 2021.1-2024.12

[4] National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC): Chronic Stress Response of Birds to Urbanization and Its Relationship with Population Dynamics, Execution Period: 2009.1-2012.12

Published Papers(*corresponding author,#co-first author)

[1] Wang Fei, Gao Lijun, Zhang Shuping * Effects of bird aggregation on the soil properties and microbial community diversity of urban forest fragments. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 737:140250

[2] Zhang Shuping *, Xu Xianglong, Wang Weiwei, Zhao Lidan, Gao Lijun, Yang Wenyu. Annual variation in the reproductive hormone and behavior rhythm in a population of the Asian short-toed lark: Can spring temperature influence activation of the HPG axis of wild birds? Hormones and Behavior, 2017, 95:76-84.

[3] Zhang Shuping *, Zhao Lidan, Zhang Xinjie, Liang Wei. Predicting the vulnerability of birds to trophic threat posed by phenological mismatch based on nutritional and physiological status of nestlings. Conservation Physiology, 2019, 7(1): 10.1093.

[4] Zhang Xinjie, Yang Wenyu, Liang Wei, Wang Yong, Zhang Shuping * Intensity dependent disruptive effects of light at night on activation of the HPG axis of tree sparrows (Passer montanus). Environment pollution, 2019, 249: 904-909

[5] Qin Xiaoyan, Zhang Shuping#, Cao Chang, Cheng Yong. Association of peripheral blood levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor with Autism spectrum disorder in Children. JAMA Neurology, 2016, 9, 26

[6] Zhang Shuping*, Chen Xiaoyu, Zhang Jinruo, Li Hongchang. Differences in the reproductive hormone rhythm of tree sparrows (Passer montanus) from urban and rural sites in Beijing: The effect of anthropogenic light sources. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 2014, 206: 24~29

[7] Fang Mengchao, Lu Guang, Zhang Shuping*, Liang Wei Overgrazing on unmanaged grassland interfered with the restoration of adjacent grazing-banned grassland by affecting soil properties and microbial community. Frontiers in Microbiology, 2024, 14:1327056.

[8] Shang Jing, Cun Shujuan, Zhang Shuping*. Metabolic adjustment in urban birds: glycometabolic enzyme activities in urban and rural tree sparrows (passer montanus). Urban Ecosystem, 2023, 26:1607-1614

[9] Zhang Shuping*, Xu Xianglong, Wang Weiwei, Yang Wenyu, Liang Wei. Clock gene is associated with individual variation in the activation of reproductive endocrine and behavior of Asian short toed lark. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7: 15002

[10] Shang Jing, Zhang Liang, Li Xinyu and Zhang Shuping*. Endocrine response of earlyhatching Asian Shorttoed Lark nestlings exposed to cold temperature in a highlatitude grassland habitat. Avian Research, 2021, 12:55

[11] Ding Shiyun, Zhu Na, Zhang Shuping*. Variation in the composition of small molecule compounds in the egg yolks of Asian Short-toed Larks between early and late broods. Avian Research, 2023, 14:100136

[12] Zhu na, Liu Tingting, Wang Fei, Liang Wei, Zhang Shuping*. Mild spring temperature rising affects the antioxidation and immune functions of Asian Shorttoed Larks. Avian Research, 2020, 11:12

[13] Qin Xiaoyan, Liu Tingting, Zhao Lidan, Liang Wei, Zhang Shuping*. Marked daily variation in spring temperature induces variation in Caspase-3, Bcl-2 and HSP in Asian Short-toed Larks: how do wild birds maintain cellular homeostasis to cope with the ambient temperature variation? Journal of Ornithology, 2017, 158:1025–1034.

[14] Zhao Lidan, Gao Lijun, Yang Wenyu, Xu Xianglong, Wang Weiwei, Liang Wei, Zhang Shuping *. Do migrant and resident species differ in the timing of increases in reproductive and thyroid hormone secretion and body mass? A case study in the comparison of prebreeding physiological rhythms in the Eurasian Skylark and Asian Shorttoed Lark. Avian Research2017, 8:10-19

[15] Gao Lijun, Gao Jing, Zhang Shuping * Temperature effect on luteinizing hormone secretion of Eurasian Skylark (Alauda arvensis) and Great Tit (Parus major) in China, Avian Research, 2018, 9: 3

[16] Zhang Shuping, Suo Mingli, Liu Shenglin, Liang Wei. Do major roads reduce gene flow in urban bird populations? PLOS one, 2013, 8(10) e77026.

[17] Zhang Shuping, Lei Fumin, Liu Shenglin, Li Dongming.Variation in baseline corticosterone levels of Tree Sparrow ( Passer montanus ) populations along an urban gradient in Beijing, China. Journal of Ornithology, 2011,152(2) : 801-806

[18] Zhu Na, Shang Jing, Zhang Shuping. Short-term night lighting disrupts lipid and glucose metabolism in Zebra Finches: Implication for urban stopover birds. Avian Research 2023, 14:100138

[19] Lu, Guang, Zhang, Xingjie, Li, Xingyu., Zhang Shuping*. Immunity and Growth Plasticity of Asian Short-Toed Lark Nestlings in Response to Changes in Food Conditions: Can It Buffer the Challenge of Climate Change-Induced Trophic Mismatch? Animals, 2023, 13, 860.

[20] Lu Guang, Fang Mengchao, Zhang Shuping*. Spatial Variation in Responses of Plant Spring Phenology to Climate Warming in Grasslands of Inner Mongolia: Drivers and Application. Plants, 2024, 13, 520.

[21] Kou Yingxin, Zhang Rongmiao, Li Xiaoqian, Zhu Na, Huang Yihang, Zhang Shuping. Incubation temperature induced developmental plasticity of cold responsive physiological phenotypes in Japanese Quails. Avian Research, 2024, 15:100193

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